A partnership of Leonicorn and GCR brought sustainable Innovation.

3 min readMar 25, 2022


Sustainable Innovation. A sought-after state in which technological Innovation and added user value are created environmentally conscious and regulatory compliant. For too long, Innovation and sustainability have been seen as competing.

With the new strategic partnership between Leornicorn and the GCR Alliance, businesses and individual users won’t have to sacrifice safety and sustainability to be ahead.

Stability not insight

In the backdrop of an unfortunate trifecta of a war, a persistent global pandemic and record-breaking inflation, businesses and individuals alike are on the hunt for stable growth.

All eyes are on the emerging alternative markets with explosive potential and high risks such as crypto and NFTs and “stable” markets such as commodities like gold.

The current trend of brands and S&P 500 companies entering crypto and NFT space and high sky evaluations for projects within the area signifies the conviction that this is the new frontier.

However, the amount of rug pulls, market volatility and regulatory uncertainty are seen as market fixtures. Thus solutions that can be both compliant and move at breakneck speed are sought after

One such solution comes in the form of a partnership.

About the GCR Network

The GCR Network is a multipurpose network and a hybrid chain system that provides enterprise-grade solutions. Notably, the Network is segmented into two significant sub-platforms: the GCR digital asset Alliance and Network.

The GCR digital asset Alliance is similar to conventional internet banking platforms. While it doubles as a DEX platform, the GCR Alliance platform can be accessed by individuals for any exchange activities.

The other platform is the GCR Network which doubles as a host blockchain for corporate institutions and “tech heads” with existing business models seeking to tokenize their asset portfolios, supply chains, etc.

GCR is the first BSC-based Gold-Backed Stablecoin to build their blockchain for Enterprise-Level Tokenization Solution.

GCR team is already providing solutions to many Enterprises located in the middle east and the EU.

Two complementing forces join together

As the GCR Network, an international blockchain protocol built on central banking blockchain infrastructure focuses on creating value through:

  1. Providing access to the GCR, a stable digital asset backed by gold and tethered to the price of gold with a 10% return on the asset when staked.
  2. Tokenization of various real-world based assets
  3. Sustainable value creation through various mining and staking solutions

This stable value creation leaves a gap for immediate swaps, trades and liquidity. Something that Leornicorn Swap can provide.

The powerful partnership will provide unprecedented speed and liquidity to many GCRs users. It will allow projects onboarding onto the Network to experience a fully sustainable and seamless user experience sought after in the DeFi and NFT markets.

The added benefits of having an advanced automated market maker with a dual-token model will provide unprecedented user ease of use.

Leonicorn Swap will support GCR Locked staking on https://dex.leonicornswap.com/home.

Both GCR and Leonicorn Swap investors can Stake these Commodities on Leonicornswap and earn APY based on staking assets.

In the near future, Leonicorn Swap has a plan to expand their multichain dex on the GCR network and make Leonicornswap a hub for Tokenized enterprises.

Leonicorn Swap is a decentralized exchange and Gamefi hub that provides enhanced trading and staking capabilities with industry-leading security.

Such a partnership between the GCR Network and Leornicorn Swap can also be seen as a first of its kind occurrence because it will be a dual chain integration. It utilized the GCR token with its main net and the LEOS token. Thus allowing for greater convenience and liquidity.

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LEONICORN SWAP is a advance AMM with deflationary token model