Leonicorn Swap November Recap

6 min readDec 5, 2021


Here we go, we have already entered the last month of 2021. Let’s not forget what happened in November. November was a great and tremendous month for the Leonicorn family. Let’s take time and look back at everything that happended throughout November.

Info & Analytics

We were happy to announce our info and analytics feature in our DEX. Users are now able to check all analytics data like liquidity, volume, top tokens, top meat, transactions and many more in our DEX. We promised to release all our signature features one by one.

Alpaca Finance — Grazing Range


We partnered with Alpaca Finance and joined their Grazing Range pool, where young alpacas were able to stake ibALPACA for $108k USD in LEON rewards. Rewards were distributed over a period of 4 weeks in the Grazing Range pool. Additionally, they had the chance to earn exclusive NFTs If users met the staking criteria.

Alpaca Finance

“ A leveraged yield farming pool for LEON may be supported in the future if it meets the minimum liquidity requirements.”

Charity Donation

Climate change remains one of the top concerns around the globe. We need to protect mother nature.

As a leonicorn family (team and community), we donated 25 BNB to Tree Million.

Tree Million is a Binance charity which has successfully planted more than 163,588 trees in 16 different countries.

More Info here.

Buyback & Burn

Throughout November, Team bought about 400k LEOS and 10.5m LEON from the market and burned them.

Live Support

Aiming to improve user experience and make it easier for our new users to navigate, we added Live support on our DEX. Now users facing any issues can directly contact live support and ask for help. Very few DEX have this feature. This will help new users & old users facing some issues while using DEX to have quick resolution.


We finally launched the long awaited feature Lottery, which has been a great success. It was a really proud moment for the Team to see community hype for the Lottery. First round of the Lottery had over $16,000 in the prize pool.

Ticket price was $5 but later the Team listened to community feedback and changed it to $2. Some mechanisms were also modified to reward more to users.

Do you want to be our first jackpot winner?

Get your ticket here.

Partnership with CryptExLocker

CryptExLocker is a platform for LP locking, vesting, and token constructor service made by audit company HashEx. People launching their project on Leonicorn Swap can use the following services provided by CryptExLocker:

  1. Token Creation
  2. Lp Lock
  3. Team token lock & vesting
  4. Smart contract audits and other services.

Explanation on Migrator code in MasterHunter.sol


Why we kept Migrator code in MasterHunter.sol

More Info

LEOS Listing

We listed LEOS on one of the Top tier exchanges MEXC Global. It is a great achievement for the whole Leonicorn Family. Now we are one step closer to listing LEOS on tier 1 exchange.

Compared to the opening price of 0.3 USDT, it rose to the highest 1.5 USDT, increasing by 400%! when trading began on the exchange.

Trade LEOS on MEXC Global here.

MEXC Global presented the Kickstarter session with $LEOS

Where users were able to vote with $MX to get LEOS listed and share 45,000 $LEOS airdrop.

More info here.

$30,000 Leonicorn Promotion (chips.gg)


Wager competition with a prize pool of $30,000.

More info here.

Korean TV Marketing

We received confirmation that we would be featured on Korean Pax TV on Monday 29th November which was expected to put us in view of millions of potential users but it did not go as well as anticipated.

Below is a news release about it and way forward put out by our Marketing Head, Scott:


We would like to update you all on what is going on.

We were promised an amazing marketing campaign and KOREAN PAX TV delivered just a youtube video of a presentation of our DEX.

We are very disappointed in what we received but we also dont let these little things get to us.

The video can be found here and will be played over the next 5 days on their TV channel.

Please go comment and share

From tomorrow we will be launching a viral twitter marketing campaign to start the future of our IJO feature.

We will be accepting applications from hundreds of projects and we will be picking the top projects that will be voted to become our first ever IJO!

Once companies see how much exposure and success they receive from choosing our platform we will be then able to run many launches every single month which we will use raised funds to buy back LEOS/LEON from the market and burn forever.

Our IJOS will also bring many new projects into our ecosystem which will increase our liquidity and revenues which once again will all be used to increase the value of our tokens.

We are in talks with a big exchange about listing LEON as well as working with the biggest banner AD company Coinzilla who we will be working with to promote our DEX on all major crypto sites.

The team is working non-stop in delivering the best for our community and we want to thank each and everyone of you who have supported us from the start.

We will have bad days and good days but the main thing is we will not stop pushing to make us a huge success!”

New Meat Pairs

Expanding our reach, we added more popular pairs on our DEX.


Additionally 2 most significant NFT tokens, AxieInfinity and MOBOX, were added to the Leonicornswap MEAT section.

Provide liquidity to MBOX and AXS to warn LEON as reward from Meat.

Leonicorn Swap IJO ( Initial Jungle Offering)


As we are getting nearer to the launch of our IJO, applications are now being accepted for IJO.

To participate in IJOS you will need to be a holder of both LEOS & LEON

Total allocations for all IJO participations will depend on the TIER one falls into. The tiers are based on LEOS-LEON LP Tokens staked.

Application form : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSef45ubDmBF6zpUPPUC65l-kIZLxfPLLP-4x94b1qigWi29sA/viewform

With this form you can apply for our IJO (Initial Jungle Offering), which is our launchpad for projects. We reserve the right to only accept projects that meet our requirements:

  1. Fully doxxed team
  2. Strong use case token
  3. Commitment to locking LP
  4. Clear and realistic roadmap
  5. Audited smart contracts

Upcoming Features

  1. Prediction
  2. IJO
  3. Surprise Box
  4. NFT marketplace
  5. Auto Stake
  6. Smart Stake and many more

For more Information visit our monthly updated Roadmap.

DEX: https://dex.leonicornswap.com/
Website: https://www.leonicornswap.com/
Twitter: twitter.com/swapleonicorn
Telegram: t.me/leonicornswap
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/bG9RqyGKwE




LEONICORN SWAP is a advance AMM with deflationary token model